Rachael Mathews wins Gold & Emerging Designer of the Year
Words: Tim Durrant, editor | www.landscapedesign.co.nz | March 2012
Wellington designer Rachael Matthews has received two gongs at this year’s Ellerslie International Flower show in Christchurch

Rachael is an established landscape designer and owner of HEDGE Garden Design & Nursery in Wellington. She was awarded Gold for her garden ‘‘Gone to Seed’’ and also received the supreme award for Emerging Designer of the Year.
Rachael said the inspiration for the garden came from her mother’s own veggie patch which tended to run wild at this time of the year. She began growing the vegetables for the garden in November, saying it was “nerve-wrecking with the weather, and then working out how to transport my larrikin lettuces from Wellington to Christchurch without the beets behaving badly, a broccoli rebellion or a full-scale mustard mutiny”.

Veggies aside, the garden is packed with innovative ideas for home gardeners, like space saving layouts for growing fruit on walls, an underground composting system that doubles as a boardwalk between the beds and DIY bean frames made form sculptural flax flowers, alliums, bull rushes and toetoes. Lead Judge of the Emerging Design Category Renee Davies from Auckland said Rachael’s garden stood out for its innovative design.

Gone to Seed gallery

Xanthe White

Lynda Hallinan

NZ Gardener

Feijoa Unique

NZ Cranberry

Corten steel

In pots & bowls
“Within a small space, she had put a compost bin below the boardwalk and had climbing frames on the courtyard made from recycled materials; everything was done in such a way that was simplistic and had great clarity.” She praised Rachael’s use of materials and how everything growing in the garden had gone to seed, reflecting the mature stage of the clients whose dream was to live “the good life”. “The construction was outstanding, the detail impeccable and there was a real beauty in the way the theme manifests in the plant quality.” “The quirky touch was in the way she had used toe toe, flax, and alliums to stake her plants.”
Renee says when young designers are given a brief to design a garden; the difficulty is in ensuring they don’t overdo it. “What was clear with Rachael’s design is that she didn’t put in what wasn’t needed and showed real clarity with what she did put in; that is what made it stand out.”

The judges said overall they couldn’t fault the garden and it would also have won gold in the exhibition category. They thought it was a superb design and a clear winner. It was very innovative, fulfilling the brief with many layers of detail. The garden demonstrates very artistic arrangements and well thought through design. The other judges on the panel were Linda Hallinan and Simon Farrell.
The general feedback is that the public love the plants; the underground composting system; and the bean frames which are made from flax flowers, garlic flowers, bull rushes & toe toes. Congratulate Rachael on the Hedge Garden Design and Nursery Facebook page. Check our the Hedge Garden Design and Nursery portfolio on www.landscapedesign.co.nz
Emerging Designs/Student Designer of the Year 2012 Competition Results:
Rachael Matthews (Weltec) - Gold & Student Designer of the Year
Katrina Pinnington (Design & ArtsCollege) - Silver Distinction
Sheldon McNamara (Weltec) - Silver
Ben Saywell, Darryl Johnston Silver
Kate McDougall, Lachlan Munro - Silver
Lauren Lee and Lucy Magill (CPIT) - Silver
Kyle Lewis & Richard Lorgelly (CPIT) - Bronze
Danilyn Green (Design & ArtsCollege) - Bronze
Fleur Mar (Weltec) - Merit