Looking After Plants in Pots
Here are some general guidelines for looking after your pot plants and topiary. You can grow almost any plant in a container – but they do need regular care to thrive.
Select good sized pots for your plants to live in. The rule of thumb is the size of the plant = size of the root ball or pot. So if you have a ball that is 50cm round, select a pot that is approx 50cm3.
Potting Mix:
Use a good quality potting mix that contains a slow release fertiliser eg Nutricote. The fertiliser will last 6-9 months, after which you will need to remember to add your own.
The soil structure itself should last several years. Every few years, it is also a good idea to root trim your plant, and refresh your potting mix at the same time; or pot up your plant as it grows, into a bigger pot if you want to increase the size of your plant.
Apply a high quality topdressing fertiliser 2-3 times a year in August, November & February eg Triabon, Osmoform, or Nitrophoska. Nitrophoska is sold widely in garden centres, and is a great fertiliser for plants in pots - but remember to follow the quantity applications carefully, so you don't burn your plants. We use and sell Triabon, which is much harder to get hold of.
Water thoroughly - one bucket of water/plant every 3 days through summer, windy and dry spells. This will make a tremendous difference to your plants.
Water once a week through winter if your plants are under roof eaves or on a verandah.
Move plants into a sheltered shaded spot when you go on holiday
Other Maintenance:
Choose plants that are suitable for your situation, and a disease resistant variety.
Weed regularly – don’t let weeds flower & go to seed. Make sure you pull out their roots.
Generally spray when you see persistant signs of insects or damage. Roses are the exception, and we recommend you follow a regular, preventative spraying regime.
Prune first to remove dead, diseased or insect damaged foliage; then to improve flowering/fruiting, then structure, and shape.



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