Chinese Star
Jasmine Espaliers
Our Chinese Star Jasmines are 0.8-1m tall, ready to get your espalier off to a good start, saving years of waiting!
Espaliers are traditionally used to grow and ripen fruit against sheltered, heat radiating walls. In fact, many plants and climbers are suitable to espalier and train over wires against walls. They make lovely screens in contrast to hard surfaces, as well as points of interest covering garages, sheds, retaining walls, terraces, and fences. You can train them in a pattern, or cover the entire wall.
Chinese Star Jasmine is one of the best climbers to 'espalier' - it is evergreen, with fragrant flowers in summer and can be easily trained into any shape created by the underlying wirework framework.
Need help? Click here for specialist advice on How to Grow your own Jasmine Espalier